Home Healthcare Products – What to Consider
When most people think of medical care, they think of hospitals and clinics. However, an increasing number of medical products are being...
Your Go-To Source for Power Chairs, Scooters, and Mobility Products
Introducing the new and improved line of power chairs, scooters, and mobility products from Lakeside Medical Supplies. Our products can...
Medical Appliances for Safe Bathing
Lakeside Medical Supplies in Salmon Arm and Vernon BC offers a wide variety of medical appliances designed to make bathing safe and easy...
Solutions for Respiratory Illness in Seniors
Chronic lower respiratory diseases, such as COPD, are a serious problem among people 65 and older, along with asthma and chronic...
Residential and Commercial Stair Lifts
Stair lifts are a welcome addition when mobility issues occur. They help Okanagan homeowners stay longer in their own homes. Our team in...
How To Keep Your Independence With Home Health Medical Supplies
As we age, many of us worry about losing our independence. This is especially true when it comes to our health. There are a lot of things...
Shop Online for Assistive Devices
Vernon Medical EquipmentAssistive devices can be anything that eases your daily struggles. They include medical equipment, mobility aids...
Medical Supplies – All About Braces
Medical braces help post-op individuals maintain stability following surgery by providing pain relief and support that may be difficult...
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease that causes painful swelling in affected areas, mainly the joints. The...
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