What is SAD Syndrome?

What is SAD Syndrome?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD Syndrome) is a type of depression caused by seasonal low light conditions. Although the symptoms of SAD differ with each person, usually low energy levels, interrupted sleep patterns and sadness are reported. Vitamin therapy can help...
Medical Supplies – Repair Services

Medical Supplies – Repair Services

Repairing wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility devices can save on costly replacements. Don’t worry about bringing your equipment in-store to our repair technicians, because this involves lifting often very heavy equipment, and transporting them, which can be...
Humidifiers For Health

Humidifiers For Health

Humidifiers add moisture to the air to ease symptoms caused by the flu or common cold, and are effective for easing the discomfort of a dry throat. Humidifiers are especially useful for dry months of the year caused by seasonal temperatures or HVAC systems. Some...
How to Boost Your Immune System

How to Boost Your Immune System

The immune system protects the body from toxins, fungi, bacteria and viruses. We are born with an innate immune system, but the adaptive immune system develops as we are exposed to these nasty microbes, or the chemicals released by microbes. Cells of the immune system...
What causes hypertension?

What causes hypertension?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can result from multiple factors, including environmental influences such as lack of exercise or stress, blood plasma volume or hormone activity. Risk factors can be age, ethnicity, obesity, alcohol and tobacco use and existing...
Exercise Tips for Seniors

Exercise Tips for Seniors

Regular exercise is important as a lifestyle choice for people of all ages, but there are added benefits for seniors who take the time to participate in outdoor and indoor activities. Aqua Fit classes are available for pre-registration at the local recreation centre...